Monday, February 14, 2011

Sign of the Day

Today is Monday.

I know, seems totally lame.  But I don't (didn't) know the days of the week yet.  I've been learning the words that Harlie would need to know - a total toddler vocabulary.  But, apparently, she's learning the calendar at school, so it looks like I better get on board.

And, we are really going to start working with the calendar - in preparation for her body cast.  I really want her to understand that she won't be in it forever.  So, after talking with her teachers (more on that soon - an exciting post, if you ask me) they said that she likes the calendar and that would be a good way for her to understand that it isn't permanent.  We will put a star on the anticipated removal date (hopefully they can give me a good idea of when that will be) and let her mark off each day as it passes.

So, the days of the week are good signs for us around the house to know.

My "exciting" post will be coming soon.  Hopefully I'll be able to finish it tonight.


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