Monday, January 31, 2011

Back to reality...

I haven't had a chance to really research this yet.  However, I thought I'd just show you an e-mail I just received regarding Harlie's body cast (in two months):

So, I spoke with Nancy in the ortho clinic regarding the cast/car seat issue. She looked up the type of cast that Harlie will be in and it looks like it will be a pantaloon cast which goes around the waist and down the leg. The legs may be held apart with a bar. She will be unable to bend at the waist or sit upright. Nancy said that there are no car seats for children in this type of cast and that they do have a loaner program for “ez on vests” which some children use while laying down in the backseat. 
However…she said that because of the trach issue, Harlie may require ambulance transport. Apparently, they end up using ambulance transport for many of their kids who require full body type casting. Does your insurance have ambulance coverage just in case?

WHAT?!?!?  Ambulance transport???

I'm going to need a few minutes.

Okay, I'm going to need more than a few minutes.

Just off the top of my head, the ambulance transport hugely impacts everything.  EVERYTHING!

School, doctor's appointments, therapy (I'm thinking speech is all she'll be able to do and even now that's a maybe), walks around the neighborhood or mall or just to get out of the house.  I suppose the cast does that on its own.  If she's strapped in while laying down on the bench seat in the 3rd row - just getting her in and out of the car is going to be an issue.  I certainly won't be able to do that by myself!

For six to eight weeks!!!

Now I know this isn't the worst thing in the world - trust me.  But, oh boy is it really gonna suck.

Okay, I'm going to calm down now.  I will deal with each thing in its own time.  Thinking about it and worrying about it two months prior doesn't really do much for me.  It sounds like I won't be able to do that much planning anyway.  I'm going to have to wait and see how she looks and how she'll be transported and what she can do, etc. before we can figure things out.  Although I might want to look into homeschooling (not me - by someone else) for that time period.  It doesn't sound like she'll be able to take the bus to school.  Or be able to participate while laying down the whole time.

Oh, my sweet little girl.  There are just not enough hugs and kisses in the world....


PS - And some of you think I can't handle a puppy.  A puppy is a cake walk compared to this.  (I say with a smile).  And just to open myself up to more criticism/support - after much research, I've decided the perfect pet for our home is a


I think our family could use some smiles when this whole thing is behind us.



Just Diane said...

Oh my word. Christy! That is just unbelievable. Hopefully the time will just pass quickly and everything will be back to normal before you know it. I think the puppy you picked is ADORABLE. You are right, you can handle ANYTHING.

I tried to use your contact me button but it gives me a pop up about setting up some email thingamajigger and I am honestly too darn lazy to do it. lol. That translates into- I don't know how. Anyhow. My email is if you ever feel like emailing.

Ann said...

Yes on the dog! You are right, you can handle it and it will be good for everyone.

As for the body cast/transport issue ... can I just say that I think your surgeon should have given you all this information at the time you were discussing the surgery with her. Not that it would change whether or not you have the surgery, but it is important freaking information. I can empathize with you because when Jack had his spinal fusion surgery, I wasn't told until after surgery that he would require a body brace that would go down to his knee on one side. I wasn't prepared at all. Fortunately (??) Jack had complications post surgery, so I had time to get a fully reclining wheelchair ordered and those EZ-on straps ordered (that, I had to figure out I needed on my own!). I was so mad at my ortho. Poor Jack had to travel 1500 miles post surgery(St. Louis to Phoenix) literally strapped to a matress on the floor of our van because the back seat of the van wouldn't work. What a nightmare.

Okay, sharing my story won't make you feel any better. This totally, one-hundred percent sucks, especially for Harlie because she is used to being mobile. How do you even prepare her for this? Geez ....

Hugs,hugs and more hugs my friend. I think a lot of alcohol is in your foreseable future (in moderation, of course :)

Love ya,

Grandma said...

Christy, I know you will figure the transportation problems out and if Harlie has to be home will figure that out too. It is just a shame all this has to be done but it is for the best and we all will get thru pre op surgery and post op together.

Research the Pug more..please. If you need to talk to osme owners I have one for ya to talk to.

Donna said...

Ugh, Ugh, Ugh and TRIPLE Ugh....the thought of the cast and the logistical nightmares has got to be exhausting. Know that we're here for whatever you might need.

I LOVE that you guys are getting a dog!!!! BUT...a pug?!? A snotty, grunting pug....really?!? I have a really nice yorkie you might want to consider!!!

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!!!


Susan said...

You will survive this like everything else. My heart is with you. I love Ann's story. That is why I told you what I did in my e-mails so you didn't get that kind of surprise. Seriously I think the doctors don't go into it because they don't want to take the chance that we'll decide not to do the surgery.

A dog could be a nice treat AFTERWARD. You said after, right? If you decide to get a pug make sure you get a grown one who's okay. My friends pug needed $2000 sinus surgery so it could breathe. Yikes. You don't need any additional breathing problems.

Medical Updates

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