Monday, March 23, 2009

Holy Hair-do Batman!

Good morning, Harlie!

Tom is often intimidated by her morning hair. He looked at me the other day and said, "What do I do with it - and where do I start"? It really does have a mind all it's own.
Ahh, little girls and their curls...


Anonymous said...

Seriously, if I didn't know any better, I would've thought that was a WIG in the first picture! HAHAHA! Glad Harlie is home and one the mend. Give her hugs and kisses for me!

Anonymous said...

People pay hair salons good money to have curls like that, she is adorable!


Donna said...

LOVE IT!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Is she not the most precious little lady with all those waves and curls! We all just love her and pray everyday for a speedy recovery and all surgeries go as planned. Love you little girl!

Anonymous said...

Christy - what wonderful, glorious hair!!! I remember us talking and worrying about her hair when she was younger.

Susan said...

That is too funny! I have a picture of Ainsley that reminds me of that. Someday I'll have to post it. At least once you've done Harlie's hair it looks beautiful.

Tracy said...

LOL. Harlie, you sport the Wild Woman look well. Maggie has those curlie cues and I never know where to start with her hair either.LOL. Thank goodness for the spray on conditioners, hair ties and barrettes. LOL.

Frances Nosich said...

I love you Harlie and family. You are a brave courageous little girl and I'm proud to see the progress you are making with all the love and support from Mom, Dad, Murphy, Cooper, Grandparents etc. Our prays are with you, keep up the good work. Love from Layne and Frances Nosich, North Huntingdon, Pa.

Medical Updates

Hi! It has been a while since I've given a medical update. So, here goes... Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Update Here's a recap of h...