Sunday, September 7, 2008

The furniture is painted!

So, Tom went and picked up the baby's furniture this morning. I love it and can't wait till we can get it in the room!

Here it is:

Once we have the baby, we will get some gender-specific knobs for the dresser to jazz it up a bit. I really want to thank Paul for helping us get this project done. The correct paint equipment was essential to get the right look. So we really appreciate his help. Tom still needs to build the night stand, but in the interest of time, we knew we could live without the night stand for a little while. I can now relax knowing that the baby has a place to call home! Ahhh....

Now... Are you ready for some football???

We (Tom, myself and Murphy) are off to go watch the Steeler's play their first game of the season. I don't remember if I mentioned it or not, but Tom used to be the President of the Steeler Club. But this season he stepped down due to family obligations. I was so glad he decided to do that. So, now we are going to the club to watch the game like we used to many years ago. I haven't been able to go in several years and now Tom will be able to relax and watch the game with us without having any presidential duties to worry about. Harlie cannot go due to the smoke. No way she can go anywhere near smoke with her trach and lung issues. So, unfortunately she has to stay home.

Well, that's it for now.

Take care,



Anonymous said...

Furniture looks marvelous!!! And those Steelers Won!!!Yeah!!! Some of us who read this Blog are (can you tell) from Pittsburgh...Our Steelers are the best! Pap and I do plan on still coming down to watch a few games at the club and of course..spend time with our new and updated family...can't wait for baby#3..we are getting very anxious..tom and I predicted the
15th..get ready Christy!!

Anonymous said...

Still get this screwed up..grandma said the previous entry.

Medical Updates

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