Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby Three Update

So, we had another ultrasound this morning (Tuesday). It went very well. My amniotic fluid level is completely normal, which I am thrilled about. That was a major issue with Harlie, because she couldn’t swallow (didn’t realize that at the time). So, it makes me feel so much better to “know” that this baby is most likely swallowing like he/she should.

The doctor tried to look at both ears – just to make sure they are there – but the baby would not cooperate. He was only able to see the right ear, which appeared to be fine.

The big news is that this baby is BIG (well for me, anyway). We are in unchartered territory here. He said that he is estimating that this baby weighs 3 pounds and 10 ounces – already!!!! Just to give you some perspective – my friend Marcy had her baby at 33 weeks and he weighed 3 pounds, 10 ounces. I am only 29 weeks now. Uh oh!!! He said that the baby is in the 76th percentile. WOW! None of my children have ever been over 50 at any point in their entire lives!!!!

Tom and I joked earlier in the pregnancy that I would be late delivering (since I was early with both Murphy and Harlie) and I would have a 10 pounder (both Murphy and Harlie were 5 pounds). The doctor said that by his estimation, if I deliver at 39 weeks the baby would weigh about 9 pounds!!! YIKES!

Of course, right after this, he asked me if I’ve had my diabetes test yet. Nope. That is scheduled for Thursday morning. So he said he’ll want to see those results and then speak with my OB to see if she wants another ultrasound later. Sometimes a big baby can indicate gestational diabetes, so we just need to rule that out.

I saw my OB yesterday (Monday) and everything went okay there. As I was leaving I scheduled the rest of my OB appointments for the rest of the pregnancy. That felt kind of weird and was extremely challenging. My calendar is so crazy for someone who doesn’t work (outside the home, I should say), or have kids enrolled in extra-curricular activities!

Well, I have more to write about and pics to download still, but another day has passed and it is late again. I’ll have to save the rest for another day…

Take care,

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