Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Jaw Surgery Status Reports

Hi, this is Christy's mom. Christy just called to say that the hospital does not have wireless and she, therefore, has no way to add a journal entry. She has requested that I relay information to you as it becomes available.

All we know at this point is that they took Harlie about 7:45 and they estimate that the surgery will take about six hours. More later . . .

5:00 p.m. update:

I just talked with Christy. Harlie is out of surgery and Christy and Tom have been with her. The doctors said Harlie did well. Christy will be able to get to her computer this evening and will provide more detail then.

9:00 p.m. Update.

Too tired to update...she's doing fine. Take a look at the photos under Baby Albums. More in the moring after some sleep.

Love, Dad and Mom

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