Friday, September 21, 2007

Birthday Party coming up...

So, everything is still going great here. We've had a few busy days, but certainly not like it was. It has been 3 weeks since we've been to the pediatrician - a record for us since the beginning! We have made so many records this month. The longest without antibiotics, the longest on room air, the longest between appointments, the longest without vomiting, etc. I am so glad that we get to go into her birthday celebration on such a high note.

I haven't heard what time her surgery is on Monday. They told me that they would call me Friday or Sunday. It looks like it will be Sunday. This will be the first time that she will go into a surgery "healthy". Hopefully it will speed up her recovery and get us back home on her birthday (Tuesday).

Tomorrow is her birthday party. So hard to believe. So many times I didn't think it would ever come. It is funny because most of the time you think that time goes by so quickly. But, honestly, this year was, by far, the longest of my life. I certainly don't want to wish time away, but I am looking forward to so many things.

Well, I will stop my deep thoughts for now. More later!

Thank you for checking in! Take care,

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Medical Updates

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