Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Well, we had another helmet fitting today. Last week the pressure points started to break her skin, so I had to take the helmet off for a while. She made some adjustments but I can’t put it back on Harlie until her skin is all healed. Hopefully I’ll have her back in it very soon. Even with the broken skin, she didn’t cry while wearing it. She’s something.

I spoke with a scheduler from Children’s in DC about Harlie’s lung surgery. Unfortunately the surgeon will be on vacation the first two weeks of July. I keep forgetting that July 4th is coming up. Anyway, so it looks like it will be the third or fourth week of July. The surgeon is supposed to be calling us to talk to us. I really don’t want to wait 4 weeks for this. Hopefully he doesn’t either.

We meet with her cardiologist tomorrow. Oh, I forgot to mention that Murphy’s 3-year checkup went well. It is so funny how different the appointments are. Talk about both extremes. I was just reading a post on my trach board about helping our kids deal with the anxiety of so many drs. visits. One girl who had been through it herself as a child said that it is so much better if you are honest and tell the child that it will hurt, etc. So, I thought I would try it out on Murphy. I told Murphy that the nurse was going to give him a shot and it was going to hurt, but only for a minute. I told him as the nurse was coming in so he didn’t have to think about it for too long. Well, I really think it helped. He handled it great. Well, that’s about it for tonight.

Talk to you later.

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