Thursday, February 1, 2007

Getting bigger

Today we had our weekly check-up with the pediatrician. She weighed in at 9 pounds, 10 ounces! That is her best weight gain so far – 7 ounces in 7 days. We are on our LAST pack of newborn diapers. We tried something new with her feedings and clearly, it worked. One of the dieticians suggested that we use formula instead of breast milk for her night feedings. Since the milk hangs in the bag for 10 hours during the night, the fat that is in the breast milk separates and rises to the top. So, that goes in last – and most of it adheres to the bag and tubing. So basically, she gets skim milk. Another dietician said that she never discourages breast milk, and her weight gain was adequate, so she didn’t think that was necessary. But her weight gain is so important to her heart surgery. So, we thought it was certainly worth a try. We started using formula at night exactly one week ago and it looks like it worked.

Unfortunately, she has not been able to fight off her bug on her own. She has gotten worse and due to her high white blood cell count they gave her another shot of Rocephin, and then tomorrow she goes back on antibiotics. Hopefully the Rocephin will help her quickly, because she is supposed to have her CT scans in the morning. We drove down right after her doctor’s appointment today. Because of her heart defects she will be under anesthesia for the CT scans. That way they can better monitor her during the procedure. Well, that’s it for tonight. I’ll let you know how the scans go. We won’t know the results until Feb. 13th when we meet with Dr. Magee again.

Thanks for checking in. Hope all is well!

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